Air seed drill

Did you get your air seed drill working? Did the PID work?

yes, I had something functional, but not had time to mount it on the planter at the moment, still in the draft state in a corner of the office.

I just took a look at your new version, it will be the opportunity for me to restart this project.
But from what I see, the drive motor does not match my need. If I understood correctly it opens or closes a flow, not really what I need, in my application I need it to run a motor with a rotary metering device, and adjust the flow by making it run faster or slower.

It can run a motor the same as the autosteer electric steering motor. With a motor driver you should be able to adjust the speed of your meter.

Ok so i tried, it doesn’t work the way i would like, when it gets to the set point, pwm stop. It works like more or less opening the valve, and I need the motor to run slower or slower for more or less flow. A link to the type of metering device ( not exactly this one , but same working ), because I have trouble describing in English (even with google trad !!)

I get what you mean now. There should be an option for motor control instead of just valve control. I will work on an update.

I’m trying , trying to do something … but still not working … where rateset is calculated ??

Not working here either!!! From the settings page the rate set there is sent to the CRateCals class. The sub TargetUMP() takes the rate setting and multiplies by Hectares per minute to give the target units per minute. This is sent to the Nano to try and match.

The code in the Nano has to be changed to run the motor continuously. Sounds easy. Not so far.


Could it be that it does not work because when the error is at 0 pwm becomes 0 …

Result = (int)(sKP * sError);

if error =0 … result =0
so motor stop

New release on GitHub.
Release RateController 2.0.1 · SK21/AOG_RC · GitHub is for RateController. has the Nano file and the modified AOG file.

I added a selection on the settings/rate tab for ‘motor’ as a control type. I used a small motor to try it out.

It works with this motor and encoder. I tried to use a magnet and proximity sensor but I couldn’t get that to work.

I also tried this sensor but it still wouldn’t work.

I know this sensor and magnet work because I have used it on another project. That project used a LabJack U3.

On the Nano I would get multiple pulses for each pass of the magnet. It was like the pin was floating, but I had used a 10K pullup.

What kind of shaft speed sensor do you use?

The Virtual Nano hasn’t been updated yet so it won’t work with motor control.

great job, can’t wait to test this tomorrow…
maybe you are using too good quality sensors! :smiley:
I use a Chinese chinese sensorinductive npn sensor with 8 magnet on a plastic disk mounted on the shaft. But before the nano I go through an optocoupler, like the switches on the pcbv2_autosteer.

That must be it!!:slight_smile:

it seems to work pretty well on the desktop. I will try to mount the real engine on my metering unit in the coming weeks and test in real conditions.
I made a small change, instead of returning UPM for rate applied I am averaging 10 upm readings before sending it. Because otherwise the figures go up and down a lot while the pwm seems rather stable.

Only KP, High Max, Min PWM and Deadband settings are used for motor control. UPM is very stable here. KP and Min PWM could be adjusted lower to see if that helped.

@Tooki57 as tu essayé si cela fonctionne pour faire tourner le doseur ?

No , time is running out.

Do you have pictures of your installation? I would like to order the distribution of a front hopper. Thank you

Hi guys. Di you ever get a working system for seeding with an electric drive insteda of ground drive?

Sorry for delayed reply I am not yet on agopengps but I do have arduino code for a seed drill motor drive
Happy to share if useful


And the arduino code will integrate with AOG?