
What is the bno055 good for with AOG? Is it worth to install the bno055 at all? I struggle a little bit with it. How is the experience with the bno055? Is there somebody who no longer use it or who can’t do without it? What are the reasons for?

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I’m also interessted in this answer. Had a look in the search but without any result.
Is there any essential function the BNO is needed for?

As I understood correctly the placment is the biggest challange.
Is there a solution to extend SDA/SCL to around 2-3m so it could placed far away?

BNO055 is used for heading. You can also use Brick v2 or DualGPS.
I have always had better results with BNO055 than without it, it is important that it is not near magnetic fields and that the wire length for the i2c bus does not exceed 30cm. There is an i2c extender (module) with which you can mount it for much longer than 30cm … I have never used Brick v2 though they say it turned out much better.

There’s this way GitHub - Coffeetrac/AG_NTRIP_ESP: AG Rooftop controller with NTRIP client and IMU (ESP32 Controller) if you only want single gps.

I have steering pcb board like by Brian suggested. I have one tractor with bluedot- and the other with adafruit bno board. Both on the roof in a plastic box, fixed with silicon, connected with a cat6-Lan cable without i2c extender. (I wasted a cheap noname bno board. Don’t buy such one.) I believe I have not seen any issues except the self calibration of the bno. With bno the heading is smoothed and so it is better. If you may not trust in i2c, buy a brickv2. But sometimes I am wondering, if I might get same good smoothed results if steering arduino would send always a bno value of e.g. 333? This should be tested, but no time.