Can’t drive south?

I ordered Faraday cloth, because it is proven to work on other devices. @Bwatts I fixed it to work 80%of time with moving the usb cable of the f9p away from the autosteer board. Maybe try to move the cables around if you have any.

Does your f9p have separate power, or only by usb?

Only by USB.

Do I need to add external power to f9p?

I ran it last summer with little jumps it was pretty good. It worked really well 95% of the time, but this year it is a little bit more sloppy.

@markonovic00 & @FarmerNeil the sun is shining here today I will try my faraday cloth this afternoon.
I also power my F9p with USB, but it’s at least four feet from my cmps and steer board.

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If you have a well powered usb hub, that should be enough.

@markonovic00 and @FarmerNeil I just went for a good long test with the faraday cloth. I didn’t even wrap the box holding my cmps, just threw a piece over and in a half hour of testing I didn’t have a single jump in heading. It worked exactly as I’ve come to expect from AOG, smooth and straight as can be.
I hope this helps anyone else having the same problem.

The only downside is that I’m pretty sure I’m going to get a lot of strange ads popping up on my account now because I think the main buyers of faraday cloth are usually tinfoil hat wearing types!:joy:

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Good to hear that it was succesfull. I will do it as soon as my faraday cloth arrive.
Did you ground the faraday cloth with the CMPS or just simply cover it?

Just threw it over. No grounding, I had thought about carefully wrapping and taping, but for me at least it doesn’t seem necessary. I hope you have as good of luck as I did.