In it we are, they are the same chip, anyway you can connect one or the other, you will only have to change the .ino
P.D.: My personal choice has been the CMPS14, but I may buy a BNO085 in the future
In it we are, they are the same chip, anyway you can connect one or the other, you will only have to change the .ino
P.D.: My personal choice has been the CMPS14, but I may buy a BNO085 in the future
I would pick the cmps. Really simple code, factory cal. Just use it. It’s the 5th generation of the product so i don’t think it will be obsolete either
Is it still advisable to site the cmps away from the rest of the board? In it’s own enclosure somewhere else?
We are trying to find better option, there are people who have it installed inside the box and it works.
And it embeds a BNO080…
When moving from MMA to cmps do we need to remove the brick ( if using one ) or will it still contribute/ be needed ?
With the CMPS14 or BNO08x the MMA, Brick, BNO055 and DOGS 2 are not necessary
Hush! do not say it too much, I have 2 brick to sell …
The CMPS14 uses rotationvector mode of the BNO080 so it does refer to the magnetometer. I can upset my BNO085 in that mode, so I’d say some care in mounting is needed.
Safe to say the brick has been bricked …
I had a discussion with Robot-Electronics support (manufacturer of CMPS 14) about how CMPS works & use BNO080.
They answered me, so know we had a clear idea of how CMPS 14 works and differences with BNO08x (see emails at the end of the post).
As @Alan.Webb and I were assuming, BNO080 of CMPS 14 is configured to output Rotation Vector Report and the PIC16 F18325 microcontroler of CMPS14 just convert quaternion into Eular Angle and makes them available to the host via a standard I2C bus (so you don’t have to deal with Hillcrest Lab SHTP protocol trought I2C).
No additionnal calculation, data processing or filtering compare to a standard BNO08x: so measuring performances (accuracy, precision, etc…) between CMPS 14 and BNO08x is exactly the same (confirmed by Robot-Electronics).
It’s mean that choosing one or the other, we can reach the same roll / heading measurement performance: it is not a selection criterion between both board.
Both are a good choice in my opinion. After each have thier adantage / drawback that can be selection criterias depending our final installation on each of our applications.
In my opinion:
Hop this synthesis can help user to choose one of the board depending of their constraint .
That is detailed confirmation of what I was told by the UK supplier of the CMPS14.
The ability to use GameRotationVector on a bare BNO085 which is completely unaffected by even huge magnetic fields is IMHO a big advantage, given the very EMR noisy environment that a tractor is.
Just read your messages and that is who I spoke to.
Hope you told them to start ramping up production…
Very clear! appreciating your synthetic explaination…
(If magnetometer is a concern could we use IMU 6DOF instead of 9DOF? using only accelerometer and Gyroscope)
Does the CMPS14 allow that?
You can output the individual elements, but it seems to work pretty good just the way it is.
I remember you said I one post that you asked the question to them, but I must have missed the answer. That’s why I asked the question from my side. Now we are fixed.
It’s not a big deal, with 3 differents boards usable, the risk of supply break is very low !
It’s how BNO08x operate when configurate in Game Rotation Vector mode. Not possible with CMPS. Other advantage of Game Rotation mode: accuracy of roll is better than in Rotation Vector:
Using an other IMU ? Not easy: from raw data of accelerometer, gyroscope (and magnetometer), you have to run advanced algorithms to calculates eular angles. Not all IMU do that, with a good accuraccy (and also at a low price). And making your own algorithm seems not to be a good idea du to the complexity of them.
but in pcb v.2 there is no place for cmps14 (I think), and without a stable and safe heading, how to use stanley?