Eagle usage advice

I open a topic for advice and help in using the Eagle software.

For my part, I am missing the component holes in the gerber file, what have I not done?

“Holes” in Eagle are non-plated. Not sure if this is what you’re talking about.
In general, most programs have two different productions output data sets: One is the Gerber set, the other the drill data. Most likely you simply have to output these files again and put it to the Gerber.
Eagle: Should be in “File”/“CAM processor”. Maybe you simply have to check the right box (“45 Holes”).

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I think I have solved my problem.
I did not find the solution with Eagle and comparing the Gerber file from the official pcb noticed that I did not have the “Drillfiles” folder in mine.

GoRoNb, Thank you for your answer

Should be the CAM output device “Excellon” or “GBRDRL”

Sans titre

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