Ethernet problem with 4.1 STD board

I have a few circuits working on teensy. For keya engine, I assembled SDM for the first time. Where should I pay attention?

Try connecting everything to the board and see if it all powers up.
Check in the settings page that udp is turned on

When imu and gps are connected, then teensy blink orange, if gps baudrate is correct and teensy have correct ino. Then leds might turn on.

The PCB will be a dual antenna. via can: keya engine will be connected. There is an ACS712 current sensor integrated on the circuit. The engine supply will pass through ACS712. I will also turn it on and off via the optocoupler.

Did stwer work? The circuit is ready.

The teensy orange color also flashes. but the big LEDs did not light up.

Just to exclude the first obstacle. I have no AIO board, so at no help from here.

Do you connect usb on teensy ?
Soldering not looking very good, check for short pin BNO085 , button sw1_tht look like melted.

I found the fault. Turns out ads1115 was wrong.

thank you very much for your help

If you’re using Keya over CAN, why is there a solder bridge on the Cytron headers?

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What on earth is that doing!?

That’s connecting the Voltage+ input of Cytron to output MB!?

I am feeding the keya motor via the ACS712 current sensor.

Never heard of anyone doing that… 12V shouldn’t be hard-wired to MB in any circumstance. Why aren’t you just asking the Keya itself for the current? That’s how the code is designed, that’s how the device is designed. The INO for Keya won’t care about the ACS712.