Fully CAN based AOG setup

How’s it going with this step, and is the PVED-CC controller a separate control unit, or is it built in to the EHi Valve? And if so, could i just send the Curvature Command directly to my EHi Valve with the Danfoss WAS?
I would be interested in building such a setup, because i really like the idea of going all Canbus.

EHi availability has been hard, trying to put one on order this week. Danfoss renewed the ordering system so been bit delayed…

PVED-CC is the valve controller, so you need to have the steering logic in elsewhere. So it works just like the one described here, you give it direction and requested flow. You can also fit the PVED-CLS controller to EHi or OSPE, and that contains the steering controller, then it’ll be like you described. Setting up the CLS steering controller takes quite a bit of parametrization, have one under work just now. Especially if you want to enable all the safety features.

Code is now updated to read the SASAIID sensor for disengage:

For now it’s only using sensor channel one, to be updated to read the redundant sensor and do sensor fault checking etc. Hard coded values for speed and angle taken from PVED-CLS safety manual recommended values.