Yes, definitely using the recommend f9p configs. Also, made sure to save them to the f9p. Forgot that step once and it drove nuts that t wouldn’t work after power down and power up.
I have a base station set up sending data to RTK2go. In the tractor, I am putting in a Panda board and lightbar. I use a Toughpad in a docking station with a custom mount. The Toughpad acts as an AP tying all the components together over WiFi. I tether my iPhone to the Toughpad via USB for Internet access to the RTK data. Probably will change that to the cellular in the Toughpad. I am planning on using as the cell provider. They charge $0.70 per month for the service and $0.08/MB of data. A typical days uses about 600 - 700K of data. This would eliminate one more cable in the cabin.
I created a custom board using a BNO085 IMU, Ardusimple RTK2B-lite GPS and ESP32. That one runs a modified version of MechanicTonys’ Basic-Dual firmware. I added WiFi to the firmware to eliminate the USB cable. I also modified hargres’ UDP lightbar software to add WiFi. Here is a link to my post in the lightbar thread which contains links to the repo’s with the modified code. External Light Bar - #90 by chri5k
I created a stripped down Teensy Panda AIO board with just the BNO085, RTK2B-lite and Teensy. I bought a cheap ethernet to WiFi card and will try hooking it up to the Teensy ethernet. I left space on the board to mount the WiFi card so it will be a single “unit”.