M8p Configuration

It had looked like the ComPort was going to work, but uninstalling, rolling back, the correct driver just can’t be found. Tried a Dell driver for U-blox and the U-blox driver.

The Windows driver (2006 v 10.0.18362.1) works in U-Center, but there is a serial port error in other applications, such as AOG and Lefebure NTRIP Client as seen below.

Maybe this board is not going to work.


It should just be assigned a standard com port driver by windows. No special driver is needed.

have you followed the procedure in the link posted by @Brofarm ??

Mine works on three completely different machines.

I have followed the method RTKExplorer used.

After another couple of hours deleting, rebooting, roll back, etc. The place where I am leaving it is with USB Serial Device COM3, driver v 10.0.18362.1 which creates a runtime error, as above.

Thanks for your help, Alan!! What driver is your system using?


Doesn’t work.

I had problems with AOG not connecting to my u-blox M8P and tried several drivers. Not long ago I discovered a driver on the u-blox site that I didn’t recall seeing before and tried it. It very consistently allows AOG to connect to my M8P. It might be worth a try. Search under Support/Product Resources for UBX-GNSS-CDC-ACM-windows_Driver_(UBX-drv-v1.2.0.8).exe.zip

Yessir, that is a good one!

After deleting the ports, rebooting, downloading the driver found at
installing the driver, connect the USB cable, open AOG and the serial port is Now working!

There is a ‘Socket Connection Problem’ error from AOG. I am hoping that issue is on a different network layer.

I’m wondering if U-Center provide messages about that connection, Not Connecting to Caster.

Thank you for the help!

Just plugged my base into my laptop.

My F9P uses usbser.sys USB Serial Device (COMx)

The u-blox virtual one is actually still there on another port.

ubloxusb.sys is the Driver file installed in my previous effort, that appears to work.

I could try the usbser.sys, although how to install it is unclear, even after reading a MS article on it: USB serial driver (Usbser.sys) - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs

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The driver that seems to work with the M8P is
u-blox GNSS Receiver, 7/3/2013
Using a ground plane and the antenna hanging out the window facing south, with internet corrections from a CORS about 12km away, I am getting (only) a FLOAT as viewed in RTKNAVI.

Float, hmm…I should have a FIX, rt?

Fix was obtained with the antenna placed on the roof of the house.