hello, I was thinking about installing the motor a little above the orbitrol, i.e. on the steering axle, where it would be hidden under the plastic of the armature, I’m wondering if anyone has done something similar and what kind of motor would be most suitable (power, voltage, speed, gear ratio)?
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This is interesting idea. First thing I would do is measure how much torque is needed to make orbitrol rotate… than you choose a motor. Im guessing around 80-100 rpm on orbitrol input should be enough.
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One of ways of measuring the torque can be with this scale:
by pulling the scale while its attached to the shaft and measuring how many KG is enough until shaft starts to turn. Than you know what to look when buying a motor.
I found cheaper version on alixpress i draw red line around specification of motor which maybe will be good or I did miss something?
Okay, now you need to know approximate dimensions of gears and gear ratio. For every cm in gear diameter, motor loose half the torque.
You need to know how much space you have to mount the gears and motor and just adapt everything. First picture you send is nice motor but its 400rpm, might be too much, depends on ratio you will end up with…
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This has been done in cerea GPS forum
Another solution
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something similar like this i had in plan yes