Panasonic FZ-G1 windows 8.1

Hello, I bought a Panasonic FZ G1, I made all updates because never done since almost 3 years and I still can not launch AgOpen Gps. Which ways can I use to know where my problem is? Is there a log file anywhere? I didn’t find it.

Is it compulsory to trun under windows 10? Updates are no more free :thinking:
Thanks for your help


What version of AOG are you trying to run?
What icon are you clicking to open it?

I have yet to see a computer that was licensed for windows 7 or 8 that won’t update up 10 for free. Just FYI.

Are you getting any error messages?

Thanks for all tour replies, I will try to answer all of you:

  • I try to launch from file AgopenGPS.exe or from shortcut green inversed water drop installed on the desk.
  • I have no error message, just nothing runs or appear.
  • According to note file AgOpenGPS.exe.config, it seems I have version 4.6 of AGO. Do I have to load latest version, or an older maybe compatible with Windows 8.1?


I tried from desktop front page two ways.
1: A shortcut (on front screen) made from the library where AOG is unZipped, and it works OK
2: Doing the same with the EXE file just copied to front screen does not work.
So do your shortcut work correct leading to the right unZipped folder.
Or just try to click on the agopen exe file while standing in the main unzipped aog folder.

How did you manage to get a 4.6 if following the WIKI point 2 at the right here?
Latest today is 5.72

AOG can run on Win 7 so 8 should not be the problem.
But try installing on another computer to find out if you can run AOG on another device.

Dear all,
so I uploaded again AGO from main page(today), then unzip and tried to launch. It crashed again.
When looking to delete really ALL files of AGO to be sure I do not have several versions bugging each others I found a file indicator about crashing of AGO (report.wer).
Does this file can help? I copy on a .txt document because can not upload .wer files on the forum.
report.txt (12,4 Ko)

Any chance you could take a short video of opening the file?

Did you delete the old shortcut off your desktop?

Since AOG is not truly an “installed” program and just run out of a file, versions do not fight each other. Have 4 different V5.7+ on one tablet.

But if moving from V4 to V5, all AOG user settings in “my documents” must be deleted manually before opening V5. All tractor settings must be re entered to move to V5.

Meaning you also deleted the appdata folder?

Look in your user folder

Running the exe in v5.* creates the necessary folders in:
for program data for each diff version of AgOpenGPS (AoG)

I have delete only shortcut.
Then I launched a search to delete everything from AGO to start again from scratch, At this moment I saw file report.wer so I didn’t delete anything anymore.
I made a vidéo with my mobilephone before delete shortcut ans reload AGO from main page. Just need to find how to share it with you (doesn’t work from from my mobile)

I am at phone as well so can’t give you exact path to find appdata.
We know aog will crash if appdata is wrong, because it contains the startup file, from last aog start.
It will continue to crash until you delete appdata.
Search this forum for appdata and you will find how.

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I tried running on windows 7 and it did not work(same, no error, nothing happens) but the problem was that I haven’t been using default scaling. When I switched back to 100% it worked. BTW here on Windows 10 it works even with 150% but it was default 150%.

Try and let us know:

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just trying changing scale, from 125% to 150%, now I have a screen with a panda on a rocking horse. I can see two links for discussions on discourse and for updates but I coulnd’t see the right part and the bottom part of screen. As I think I have to validate something to be able to continue, I was still blocked.
So I also changed resolution to see a small part of validation button.

So I well have access to AGO now, just have to adjust correct resolution to see everything. For the moment it’s OK on countryside, but missing the right part of screen on portrait side.

Thanks to everybody for helping me, now have to make electronical part to advance on my way.

@ admin: this discussion can be closed

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Can u put scaling to 100%? It will make it smaller(further)

Just changed to 100% and it is OK on countryside and portrait side.

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