Panda - GGA over UDP

I think section control is the same as the regular AoG


The ACE version of AgIO just gets rid of the limitations of USB, by getting rid of USB.
This allows all data to be networked and available at the same time to all devices that require it.

Section control is determined by the AOG program running on the tablet, and output commands sent in a PGN to the hardware that is configured to read the PGN for section control.

AgIO only creates and maintains the communication between hardware.

I have everything showing that it is hooked up except machine section control with the ACE branch. But if I just install the regular AGIO it shows machine section control and no IMU or Steert control. I am at a loss. The UDP monitor shows the IP address for the machine section control and <237. However the IP address doesn’t show up in the ethernet configuration window of AGIO when running the ACE branch.

I’m not intimately familiar with the details of changes made to AgIO. Maybe @BrianTee_Admin or @PotatoFarmer can comment. If you compare the PGN parsing code of the Ace modules and the machine module, are they both using the same UDP ports and PGN numbers? Are they sending replies back to the same IP & UDP port?

You are welcome to try my new machine class (with examples) on GitHub. It’s meant for the regular AgIO but maybe it works with the Ace AgIO.

Thanks for some ideas of what to look at. I will check out your code. I have also sent messages to Brian and Potato Farmer. But didn’t know if you might have any ideas. So thanks again!

I might get to trying it myself yet too.

After a whole bunch of trying a little something here and a little something there. Looking at a lot of code side by side. I noticed in the UDP monitor that the machine udp .ino would send out a hello when it got the 200 from 8888. But when I looked at the UDP monitor when running the ACE branch. I noticed that the 200 was coming from 7777. Then when I looked at the PGN xls sheet for ACE. It clearly says 7777 is what the program needs to monitor for hello. Insert palm slap to forehead here! After making the change everything is green and shows a IP address.

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Sounds like AgIO has more changes then originally mentioned but I suspected something like that was the case.