Possible sharp turn fix

Pure genius. Changing the turn increments to 10 cm works great. I’ve not added the other code. The software can run some pretty wild combinations. I have some more checks to do. But that is a big step. I’ll keep working. Thanks.


Does this trick demand more computing power/ slower framerate?

I ran it on a pretty slow laptop. i could not tell it at all. What I can foresee is, have a bool to check if turn radius is less than wheel base then make this change. Or some function of it. If you want to give it a try, change line 18 in CDubins.cs to:

    public static readonly double driveDistance = 0.01;

I’ve been able to crash it. But, wow, what a step forward.

Yes, it needs a uturn path it can follow. Hard to follow a path where the point step is bigger then the turn radius or wheelbase of the entire vehicle!

It is such a balance between too many points for big eq and not enough points

Not if the radius is small, there isn’t really a problem either way as the uturn is quite small. Just didn’t seem necessary at the time to have very close points.

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with these settings it works, within the field, but the distance to the edge of the field is great when turning;m%C3%A4her

How wide is your tool?

The uturn pulls a meter or two from the turn line - not a huge deal with a 12m tool - but huge for this setup. I’d really like to spend some time on the big small problem. It’s almost like you need to decide in setup if something less then 3m is considered small and many settings like point spacing etc all get a serious increase in numbers (or decrease…). One size does not fit all.

The mower is 240 cm wide, a mulcher with 125 cm, I also have, technically that can turn the vehikle s.St Stand, so my minimum turning radius would be 60cm, for 120 cm AB, for a beautiful semicircle

I set u turn patterns and semicircle, and at Vehikle exactly half of the AB as the turning radius


I’m with Brian on this one. I haven’t found the setting to adjust this yet. But it’s somewhere in the youturn,cs. I changed my CDubins back to 0.1 and added the following code to a few places through out the Youturn.cs:

CDubins.driveDistance = 0.1 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth / 10;

Any place that it was passing information to CDubins I passed this with it.

This sets the standard 1 meter spacing to a 10 meter boom and down to a 10 cm spacing at 1 meter boom. It can be adjusted but works well.

I then ran a really wide boom with a small tractor to see what would happen. With the right settings it would still miss the dots. Fairly simple to add ( if boom width is less than 10 meters then do the above code else, leave it alone at 1 meter. )

Originally I thought that since the u-turn was yellow it was clicked. But once the tractor starts driving the course it change to yellow. So that’s not it. Mine will get hung in the click uturn and miss the auto u-turn. I ran your settings with passing all the information from Youturn to CDubins as posted above, seamed to work ok. In the screen shot you show your turn distance from bounds at 1 meter. Try setting this to zero.

Here is the code for the if then mentioned above.

if (mf.vehicle.toolWidth < 10)
CDubins.driveDistance = 0.1 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth / 10;
CDubins.driveDistance = 0.1;

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Hello KentStuff, thank you, I made a video, once with Uturn Patterns and once Uturn Dubins, unfortunately I have no idea how to embed the code in the software, use the release v 3.0.7
A version to download with your changes in the code, would that be possible?


Yes, I will send when I get back to my good computer. I do not know if it will work in pattern. But works well in CDubins.

Patterns are made in a text file, whereas Dubins are made on the fly

For now I’m fine with uturn Patterns, he sets many GPS points in the semicircle, but why is the distance to the edge of the field so large, even though uturn distance from bounds 0 m are chosen?

As the turn is pulled into the field it jumps a couple meters at a time, so when you are using a 30m tool you can imagine it will take forever moving it 10 cm at a time. it needs to jump based on the width of the tool, one of the many changes needed to work with small equipment. Home next week so will look a bit more into then.