I’m french and i have discovered the ag open gps solution for auto-steer for my father. I have bought all the composants.
I’m on the hardware of the Autosteer and we would like to use hydraulic steering.
I try to follow the instructuions on the dokuwiki but i don’t understand what is the fonction of the relay module on the shema attached 
Is it for u-turn and where the relays module are connected ?
What is the function of relay modules in u-turn ?
Thanks in advance
Probably the best would be to join the French telegram group or post questions in the French section.
They are super helpful at telegram. https://t.me/AgOpenGps_France
But yes, that schematic shows the coils for hydraulic steer. Hooking up a steer motor is the same way, instead of the 2 coils, its just the motor
Ok, thank you bryan for your reply
tu as acheter quoi comme composant du cout ???
En fait les relais servent à relever l’outil lors du u-turn (le demi-tour en bout de champ) d’après se que j’ai compris. Ce n’est pas une nécessité pour moi pour l’instant.

Je suis ce shema pour l’instant et j’essaye de suivre les instructions sur le doku wiki pour la configuration de l’arduino (mais pour l’instant il est inaccessible ces derniers jours)