Request : V5 + Dual direction detection

Not sure how feasable it would be, but something I would find (and assuming most other dual users) extremely useful, would be direction detection based purely from the dual heading, while allowing the rest of the program to run with f2f with “dual as IMU”…

Obviously up till now running true dual heading, direction detection has never been a thing, as it just works with dual / is always correct… But now using “dual as IMU” we are subject to the same issue as with single GPS…which is frustrating given you have true direction always with dual… So have to keep hitting the tractor to correct direction when turning on ends etc…

Would there be a way to use the true “dual heading” in some code to “detect direction” so that it always remains correct? or maybe some code ie if f2f heading is more than x degrees out of sync with dual heading, then reset the fusion and set heading to the dual value?

Just as a side bug, also find when you do “reset” the direction, you have to drive 20 feet each time for the fusion to become in sync again, which becomes pretty annoying fast! Should be posting that in the V5 bugs thread though sorry!
