I attempted to follow your guide anyway.
Thank you for your detailed tutorial, my base build went without any problems.
One thing I had a question about is regarding the IGN report. In the tutorial there is a note about accuracy which should be below 8mm, below 8mm and below 16mm. For my base this was 12,3mm, 9,3mm and 21,5mm, is this a potential issue for accuracy and what can I do to improve?
Did you try Nrcan or IGN?
Yoy can try to log 48h and upload til Nrcan
If you use latest rtkbase you get a rinex file with both GLONASS and GPS.
you also can wait 3 weeks after logging to get a final report.
I did try IGN on site of Reseau GNSS Permanent.
I’m sorry, as I don’t understand much, but doesn’t most RTK technology use radios to communicate with the tractor’s system? As far as I was aware, John Deere at least did. Is it possible to set up this RTK system with radio communication? My area is spotty for cell coverage so radios would be much more consistent.
I bet the majority today runs on cellular data, even JD. Nothing prevents using radio though.
I use both (either). Radio and NTRIP via cell.
So what’s the advantage to NTTIP? Is it that you can share it? is it longer range?
I guess there are a number of advantages to it. It’s easier to set up and requires no radio transmitter and antenna. Range is much greater than radio but accuracy falls off at 20 km anyway. Radio also has problems with line of sight obstacles.
On the con side it’s a pain to make sure everyone has the app installed and their phones paired with the Bluetooth on each machine. And it’s nice with radio that RTK is usually acquired automatically with no user steps.
On my Trimble receivers I’ve built a little esp32 box that automatically switches between radio and Bluetooth. So if radio is working you do nothing but if you have issues you can pull out the phone and use Bluetooth and it will automatically switch from radio to Bluetooth and ntrip.
After all the reading i have been doing I feel like i’m missing something. I was under the impression that an Ardusimple 2kb board could act as a stand alone base station if you bought the xbee transmitter to attach to it, and loaded the proper configuration files for base station. It could then send correction data to a rover ardusimple 2kb with the same xbee lora transmitter. No computer required. Am I wrong about that? I will admit that the instructions on ardusimples website are not the greatest. I always preferred a step by step guide vrs FAQ or asking questions.
You are right about this. That’s sending the transmission via radio. For many people that’s not an option, they have to send the transmission via internet instead, and that’s where RTKBase and a computer come in.
Ok thank you! I was starting to worry that i was missing something. I have just started using the system, and just hooked my base station up yesterday. Due to rain i havent had a chance to try it ywt in the tractor. Is there a message or indicator on the aog program that idicates it is getting rtk corrections. In my 3d printed case i cant see the arduisimple board so i cannot see if the rtk led is lit or not.
You can check the LEDs on the RTK2B board, they will tell you whether you are receiving RTK.
In the top right corner of AOG it will say single, DGPS, float, or RTK.
the board is tucked away in my 3d printed case to the point i cannot see the leds, the screen sits overtop that board with everything assembled. That is why i was curious if there was a way to tell in the software.
Perfect! thank you.
Is it me or is RTK2go offline often lately?
Yeah. Emlid caster works well
Has anybody made a case for this yet? Would love 3d print files.