Set up your own caster without the usage of

Tailscale makes it extremely easy to do. Free too and doesn’t use a central server.


Is there any secret to connect to rtkdata?
I’ve been trying to change my base from Rtk2go to rtkdata but just can’t seem to make it work.

Can you see your base’s data in your rtkdata dashboard?

No nothing showing up there and says offline.


Should the address be all lowercase?
And is the / required after the mount point name?

Is it really active? Can’t find it.

Nothing special required your mount point in capitals no /

I left my rtk2go stream running and just add the second sending to port 2101
but on your rovers you will use 10057 looking at your picture

Okay thanks I’m using WiFi ntrip master and can’t see a way to have 2 stream’s running.

Put that info in exactly

On my f9p a d wifi master just swopped the info with the rtk2go info

Okay thanks all,eventually got working after deleting my base from rtkdata then re registered with new password and connected no problem.
Connection seemed very stable with very low RTK age.

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Update so far after couple of days spreading manure I haven’t had any dropped connections with