Shaking ab line and back ground

Hello guys,

Everything is working great now, except for 1 thing. When open field and standing still there is no problem. But when i start driving the back ground and line are shaking like crazy. Almost in same rhythm as the tractor is driving.

And this give me wierd ab lines.

I am still wating for the BNO085 and in the pcb is the MMA. Could this be done by the MMA? Or do i need to look some where else??



How far are you from the field start? It can make this if the easting/northings are to high. Do you create the field in the field or simulator?

What are the field easting/northing values? If you click on the speed no top right.

It could also be something with a heading setting, maybe.

The field was indeed made in simulator and 35km away. What heading settings do you mean?

Distance is probably the cause, try to create a field closer first.
I don’t know how much km are acceptable. 35 seem hi to me.

Heading, I don’t know I was just saying that. For single antenna Fix to Fix is the way to go I think.

Will try that. Fix to fix is what i have. Thank you for your help.