Roll is constantly changing with a huge amount of data. The serial string shows:
Current steerangle,setpoint,heading,roll,switchstate
As you can see the roll value keeps counting upwards. Something isn’t good with the data from your pcb. Looks like a bad connection or something.
I have good stable roll coming out of steer box.
Was thinking about going back to 3.09 and try that.
I should have 3 or 4 weeks till I need this tractor. Have been thinking about trying the relay from led pin and going back to md13 drive to drive the danfoss, and trying to go back to 4.3.10. That would simplify things a lot.
Thanks. I’ve been reading that post and with your questions I thought you might have done that mod.
I have those sections printed out to study. My plan is to add danfoss pwm to pcb ino. I have never written code for arduino, but I think it’s doable, and Brian’s reply to put 50% cycle to the drive make me more confident.
If we can make it work, it would be nice to have a pcb revision that adds a relay to power the md13s.
Veo en el video que las sentencias procedentes de tu gps no son estables, hay momentos en los que las horaciones desaparecen y cuando vuelven tienen un aspecto extraño. Que receptor gps usas?
Ublox c099 module with Trimble AG25 antenna. I have changed my setup since that video. Using a modified version of Brian’s sketch to run Cytron md13s driver on Danfoss valve. Still having to use v4.1 in aog but no more crazy nmea, as far as I can tell.
Debes configuar con U-center el protocolo de salida a solo NMEA, y en el puerto de salida que utilizas desactiva todo tipo de mensajes excepto GGA y VTG.
Yo utilizo la ultima version de AOG y las raciones del gps son estables. Tengo frecuencia de 8hz y correxcion a 1hz (en pestaña DATA SOURCE).
Oh, I thought he was talking about ublox.
Cesar, no I am on 10hz in aog, as that’s what I remembered Brian saying to set it at. I had it set at 5 once and the steering was real far behind. That was before rtk though.