V 5.1.4 Section Control PGN

Hello everyone,

Can someone explain what have changed in the pgn?

MAIN: On/Off?
RES: Auto/Manual???
RES: ???
#Sections: ???
On Group 0: section 1-8 on??
Off Group 0: section 9-76 off??
On Group 1: section 1-8 on??
On Group 1: section 9-16 off??

Machine Data:
Byte 11 section from AOG 1-8
Byte 12 section from AOG 9-16

/* mainByte=1 auto AOG[5]
mainByte=2 manuel Not sure about this part… And the Res part

AOG[9] onLo (from 1 to 8) on
AOG[10] offLo (from 1 to 8) off - example: 00011000 (the middle two sections are off I think )
AOG[11] onHi (from 8 to 16)
AOG[12] offHi (from 8 to 16)

I am not sure about the main have not tested it yet, maybe it can help you out.

ControlSectionAOGv5.x.ino (9.2 KB)
Found this file on the forum, I don’t remember who posted it.