V5 u-turn problem

Ok short story I am U turning like mad now.

Long story after watching other videos my steering wheel velocity was way to low, since I have such a small gear I really had to crank it up. The biggest improvement was made raising the turning radius to 3m. Also I have to be careful to keep my speed below 5.5km/h. I also did the pwm2 modification to the cytron and now no longer have the brakes on when steering is disabled!!!

Tuning settings are now
p 106
max 210
low 34
min 12

PP settings
LA 2.4
LAgain 1.3
sidehill 0.01
integral 1

But who are we kidding, now I get to play with every setting one job at a time :grin:

One quick question, is it normal to have to re-start u-turn after every turn? the U turn just turns brown and counts away from the last successful one. Then I have to rearm it.

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I think any time you turn manually or manually trigger a turn around, U-turn has to be rearmed.

You have to wait until all the wobble is out of it and it re builds the u-turn on the other end of the field. It can take a second or two or three depending on the points in the u-turn. If it breaches the boundary, it will turn off the auto uturn. Try setting the turn line further in.

I will try that, and give micro a shot as well to see the difference.

Now that It works well on the little deere, have a pile of normal size equipment lined up to put AOG in.

I have had this problem using a 1mt wide lawn tractor.I now use microgps V5 and work in lands skipping 3. It now mows the whole lawn and relies on the geofence to stop at the end. It is a large lawn so saves alot of time.Thank you Kentstuff for these mods they have made it all work so well. Potatofarmer I also grow potatoes in UK.

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Unfortunately my handle is humour, Its my dream to be a PotatoFarmer, I help two grain farming operations in addition to my day job as a plc programmer/ industrial inst. tech.

But I am a potato nut, grow 300 hills yearly just because. Will plant more after I weld together a harvester. There is no plant more delicious, with such a full nutritional profile, not to mention shelf life.

They also just look great in the field, especially with RTK.

I am also having problems with the u turn making figures of 8 and never getting back on line

Do not set turn radius the same as implement width.
Eg. if implement is 6 m set turn radius at 5.99 m
The 8 form also happen around 45 degree angle of AB line and end of field.

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