WAS unstable signal

For increasing accuracy in my case with ads1015
I ve put à résistor diviser (with capacitor) in parallel to was and make à differentiel measurement so you are more or indépendant of the supply and I’ve set offset to 0

The analog input is horrible to use, that’s why Brian deleted this option all out of the arduino code to use the analog input only instead of the ADS1115.

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Hi, I just want to hear your opinion on my my was signal is ok. I’m using the differential mode, the tractors own steering sensor and the ADS1115 on the PCB v2 that I build myself. Is it too wobbling or is it ok?

The plus from the PCB is unused, the signal goes to High and the ground both goes to Low and Gnd, am I correct?

I am the opinion, avoid angle jumps bigger than 0,1

I like the way you have the size of the contact wheel Wolle. Smaller definitely has finer control where you need it most - when close to the line.

Ya, that’s really noisy. Does the built in sensor by the OEM do anything? Is it used for turning off 4wd etc? You may be able to just unhook from oem wiring and power and use single input like normal

I posted this video because it shows a WAS signal I am satisfied with. But the motor setup doesn’t exist anymore :thinking:. I found the motor to slow (about 300 U/min max) much to slow in this “gear ratio”. I changed now to a 3D printed system with one gear mounted on the steering wheel. (I released the 3D files in this forum.) Much faster, so the new possibility of max PWM setting might be a good option.

I would suspect the power supply from tractor to was not being good enough. So do as Brian suggested and if signal is stable then reconnect the signal wire (only) to tractor again and see if signal to AOG still is stable.

So you mean I should take the +5V from PCB to the WAS instead?

Yes it’s just used for switching off the 4wd lock when turning I think. Will try to unhook and see if I get a fault from the tractor´s computer, thanks.

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yes, lige nøjagtig :slight_smile: 5V from PCB

Yes, but be sure to completely disconnect the oem wiring.

The other option is just mount a second WAS, but i know that is kind of a shame as well.