I thought I would just share some install instructions for wheel angle sensors. It seems to be a confusing topic, but there are a number of sites that have already detailed how to do this on other systems, that may be helpful to people looking at options for a specific unit.
Various models at the following link
Case 8010
’ https://www.terre-net.fr/ulf/data/SiteSatPlan/Noticed’utilisation/A5bis/Case/CaseAFX8010.PDF ’
Case stx 4 wheel drives
’ https://www.terre-net.fr/ulf/data/SiteSatPlan/Noticed’utilisation/A5bis/Case/CaseSTX375-500WheeledorQuadTrack.PDF ’
John Deere 7920
’ https://www.terre-net.fr/ulf/data/SiteSatPlan/Noticed’utilisation/A5bis/JohnDeere/JD7920_AT.PDF ’
John Deere 9120-9620
’ https://www.terre-net.fr/ulf/data/SiteSatPlan/Noticed’utilisation/A5bis/JohnDeere/JD9420W_AT.PDF ’
There are lots more but this should give a pretty good idea of how others are doing it.