17 October 2019

We got this site off the ground, please be patient with us as we figure out categories that make sense - we are all quite new to this! I hope you like it. Discourse was gracious to allow AgOpenGPS community to use their site for free meeting the criteria of open source and a thriving community. This will be THE place for open source discussion in Agriculture. We do have limited space for free so if possible upload pictures that are smaller in size, makes a huge difference. Videos can be linked, but not directly embedded on the site.

It’s been a busy few days. The touch lines are being finished up and hopefully can add distance from border feature when creating new guidance lines.

Big changes in how Github repo is arranged, see the Install Category for more information there. (I never knew it would be so simple to separate the exe from the source code - but it is)
So once again welcome to this forum, its the people that make a forum dynamic and relevant so I know this forum will be just that.

Thanks for joining!