A rookies road to auto steer on a JD 7510

Exact same feeling using AgOpenGps for the first time. Great install, Great video.


Thank you and thanks for keeping the V2 boards alive and relevant! I have really enjoyed your YouTube videos and can’t wait to see what you’ve been working on in the Ace branch, exciting stuff!

Here is the latest update!


:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

thanks to share this!

I wish there were more than one like button. Congratulations, it’s great.

Thank you,

But also thank Brian too, he gutted USB out of the “Ace” branch and added a bonus, 100hz imu.

Have you ever had a flat steer chart before?


I’ve finally gotten to run AOG over some more acres and it continues to impress. I had to do some tweaking to get it working well on the corn planter because for some reason my guess rows were off a bit. I just set an offset of a few inches and that took care of things but I suspect my WAS needs adjusting since it’s the only thing I had fiddled with since the last time I used it.

This was my first time trying anything other than an AB line. I expected to have to do some adjusting but the AB curve worked really well without adjustment. Excited to spend some more time with the program and figure out how to do headlands and more.

I’m sure I’ll make more adjustments as I learn more but for now I am really pleased. I am excited to add panda over Udp and upgrade versions later this year but for now it was working too good to mess with.


Just saw your picture of your motor mounting on your MF tractor and am hoping you have a picture facing towards the rear of the cab showing the spring attachment. I’m assuming it is an over center mechanism, but since I am engineering challenged I can’t figure it out from this view. I am installing in a John Deere 5101EN in the same location. Thanks again!

no, its just 2 plates on a hinge and sprung loaded together.
i use the steering column an d lift it right up into the motor drive wheel to engage the motor


Just a quick update I wanted to share to continue documenting my project…I built panda boards last winter for my pcbv2 setup. I have always been impressed with the ability of Agopengps to drive a straight line, and I’m sure there were some steer settings that I needed to improve even before the PANDA upgrade(there probably still are!). At times the motor was more aggressive and did a lot more jerking around than I liked, with a small amount of oscillating around the AB line, but it really didn’t bother me much because it was always “good enough”.

With PANDA, I rarely see anything other than 0’s and 1’s off the line and after playing with the pure pursuit settings, the steering went almost quiet at times. AgOpenGPS continues to impress me, and I am still grateful for all the amazing help from this community.

Sorry for some poor quality video,


Thanks for sharing everything!

Can you share what settings you tweaked to get Pure Pursuit better?

This is the motivation I need to get a panda board built and installed this winter, I’ve had the same mindset of its “good enough” but if you say it can be even better yet that sounds awesome!

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Here are the settings I finished with. I’m sure there is more tweaking to do but I’m a slow learner so I need to do some more reading/playing and watch some videos to figure them out. I played around a lot with motor setting and made some marginal improvements I think. As far as the pure pursuit settings though, when I moved the “hold look ahead” from 1.4 out to 2.7 is when everything really smoothed out and got quiet. I was running at about 4.5 mph on decently flat and smooth ground. I’ll have to see how these settings work next time I am doing some cAB curves.

Can’t stress PANDA enough! Was having some issues the last few days with my box and i went back to just using the fp9 with no imu and the quality of the steer is night and day.