First of all…
We want to thank all of you for having this great community. Without all of you we never would have had this big group of users, ideas, coding skills, dreamers, and passionate minds.
We discussed a lot in the development group how to solve problems, get the project becoming better and better, and making it easier for people to join. To balance that with learning about making your autosteer, doing something with a soldering station, read some lines of code…. Everything that’s needed to build your own DIY autosteering system for your own needs.
A lot of people asked how to send some money to Brian for his great work he did all those years. Brian always said he never wants to earn money with it so we thought we would create a page where you can give something back to the community to continue making it better and better.
A few things what is being worked on currently:
Full SMD All-In-One PCB (ordered by everyone themselves). We need a few boards first to write code and test it in every environment.
tool implement line following
keypad shortcuts
revision of the Contour Guidance
new uturn algorithms
- better documentation
Just a few things what’s on our minds these days.
We’ve set up a donation link on BuyMeACoffee and with this small amount we hopefully can make some factory complete new pcb’s ready for the future with all parts and needs for everyone like CanBus, Ethernet, WiFi, section control, f9p headers etc.
Please note, it is absolutely voluntary and not obligatory in any way. We definitely want to put all the donations back into the project!
Many many many thanks again to all of you!
The Development Team:
Brian Tischler
Daniël P
Matthias Hammer
Andreas Ortner
Josep Vilamitjana
Jake Hunter
Gorm Rose
David Cox
Jaap van den Handel
Kent Stuff
Wilbert Talen