Add job functionality

I am just trying to find out how AgOpenGPS works.

I could see, there is the possibility to creat fields. In the field folder is the KML File with Sections Information. So the information about the last tractor movements.

In my idea, it would be better to keep the field information like it is, and create a functionality to start jobs.
A job contains the same information like the field.kml, but it is saved in an own directory.

The benefit:
you can always use the same field, but start differnet jobs. And you always have the information about your jobs in the history.

When this idea would be helpfull to other peoble, I would start to develop it.


Replying to this post as it is similar to what I have been trying to do.

For our environmental audits we are required to keep proof of placement data, which is basically the GPS coverage log with information of what product was applied and when. Currently I am taking the field.kml file and copying it into another folder to save the coverage map, and then renaming the file to add the date and product applied.

Is it possible to create a Job system where when you load the field it gives the option to add a job or a task that records time + date, allows you to input product applied + rate and saves the GPS coverage map to its own folder?
This would solve the issue of the coverage map only being able to be used for one job before needing to be deleted again.


I usually save product applied & date in field name. Good question.

This has been discussed a few times. I think it’s on the roadmap for v6.

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Yes I’d thought of doing this, my issue with that is each time I create a new field I then wouldn’t have a field boundary :thinking:

Open a old “field/job” with the boundery. Then click on field and select save as. In there you can select what you want to keep. If i remember correct its: boundery, AB lines/curves, POI and applied area

Last two is not selected as default

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In the treespacer branch on the github there is an html report generator. Very crude but will allow you to open in web browser and print. It doesn’t do backgrounds, but will show the field.