AgOpenGPS is reporting wrong the solution to the NTRIP caster


With Wireshak I have captured the traffic between Ntrip clients and the internet Ntrip caster for corrections:

May be the problem is the Ardusimple F9P module who is reporting wrong the solution to the NTRIP caster.

This capture is ardusimple with u-center and connection to the Ntrip caster, as you can see the solution reported is always “1” but the u-center says RTK fix and should report “4” (see the 06,E,1)

The same with AgOpenGPS, on the gps port configuration i receive from ardusimple a rtk fix “4” but when it sends back the nmea to ntrip caster always report “1” even if on the screen says RTK FIX

I Had access to capture traffic from other ntrip clients Leica and Topcon, and both report correctly to the NTRIP correction caster the solution, as you can see on the screenshot, first report 1, then 5 (float) and finally 4 (fix)

All of you have the same behavior?

Interesting but do you think this makes a difference to the GNSS operation some how?

Hi @NorthernFarmer,
There is no difference for the correction and presition, but on the Ntrip caster side they don’t know if our rover is getting the corrections correcly. For example on the leica spider software it appears with a red icon, if the spider receives the correct nmea the icon is green.

And it would be nice if the user agent would be AgOpenGPS :slight_smile:

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