AgopenGPS location delay

Hi, I am enjoying using my AgopenGPS and I’d like to thank you all for your help so far,

I intend to create a post to show my (basic) setup and the obstacles I overcame (with this forums help) to get it running.

Currently I have a delay with my setup, it refreshes on the screen at 5hz which is perfect for me.
But it will have at least 2 seconds delay.

What i mean by this is, if i make a turn, the screen will follow me perfectly, but will be about 2 seconds behind me.

Can anyone suggest a setting to change for this?

Thanks again

Your receiver configuration is wrong. Try reconfiguring it.

I have used the configurator to configure it.

Is there a better way?

What is the “Missed” number at? If all is correct, you should be getting location at 10 hz.

I’m not sure where that setting is. Can you explain where I would find it?


Your frame number is too high. Probably over 30.
If your computer is not very slow (like old Atom type) then you might have created the field In Sim mode with standard position in Western Canada, and you live thousand km away. First try create new field at your position. Frame rate can be seen by pressing the gps signal icon beside speed at top screen.

This does sound like it may be my issue, though even if I restart the tablet, it still has a delay.

I am based in Northern Ireland, so quite a distance from western Canada!

From what you are telling me I think what I need to do, is open agopengps, enter sim coordinates to my location. Open new field in simulator. Then all should work ok?

Yes it should.
Also if not using wifi, turn it off, as Windows can slow down while trying to connect to a neighbour s router

Great info, thanks for this. I will try it tomorrow!

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Hi, unfortunately, this hasn’t resolved my issue.

I am only getting about 5hz so i assume this is my issue. I may have to reconfigure my board as previously suggested! However, i’m not sure what to change.

I had similar symptoms and the cause was wrong configuration of my F9P. It was sending too many different types of messages not just the two I needed. It slowed everything down and caused a delay like you describe. It would work fine for a minute or two but would quickly become unusable.

Did you mean AOGconfogOmatic with configurator?
Here is a link to lansalots AOGconfogOmatic! Releases · lansalot/AOGConfigOMatic · GitHub

That link is found in the wiki under boards. configuring the zed f9p · AgHardware/Boards Wiki · GitHub