AgOpenGps with kalman heading filtering

I have added code for heading filtering with kalman filter in AgOpenGps and even in AogTree.
Did some test and seems to work good.

If you will post it here, I’ll add to AOG-Tree. Does it fix the reverse issue? Or simply get rid of the spikes?

I solved 0° to 360° issue and will to add AogOpenGps too, maybe tomorrow

I added a kalman filter to Agopengps to filter the heading and make the motor more smooth and increase the accuracy when on the line even when not using the IMU. I also fixed the problem that when completing the full 360 degree rotation there was a jump in the heading.

Updated AgOpenGps v5 with kalman option buttons with my little code mod liked by Kentstuff and adopted in his release of AogTree. Thanks to Vili for button images.

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