AIO 4.5 Dual GPS UDP Connection difficulties

I’m running AOG 6.1.0 on an Panasonic FZ-M1. I use the all-in-one board with dual setup, it is connected via ethernet. I programmed the boards with the config-o-matic. For some reason i have problems with the stability of the gps-data received by AOG. In the “Ethernet Configuration” Tab, the GPS appears and dissapears seemingly randomly. I already disabled the firewall.
Can someone give an idea, where else to look? that would be highly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance

I don’t think it matters, as long as it stays green.

Thats the problem, it doesn’t stay green. It gets red and then green again after 5 -15 seconds.
I couldn’t attach the other pictures because i just created this account😅

For me the solution was 6 pins on teensy for ethernet had plenty of flux soldering paste left, apparently its conductive… after cleaning it, it worked.

First, thank you for your suggestions

I guess it is more a software issue…it’s only the GPS connection which makes problems. The Steer connection always stays active.
I assume some mounts i can choose send to many / wrong messages, that the programm can’t handle. I had this issue already, when i was using an standart pcb via serial.
When using mount CH_31, everything works perfect, when using mount CH_32 it doesn’t anymore. Sadly, right now i dont have the time to look/read into this further. I guess it would be something more or less easy to fix, but as long as it is running now i just let it be as it is.
I assume AgOpen isn’t happy with the sbas messages, but honestly, i understand to little to be absolutly sure