AIO v4.5 boards


It’s better but there’s something I don’t know how to do.
F9p firmware up to date and configured with 1.13 singleantennarover.
Speed ​​115200 baud.

Has the antenna got a clear view of the sky? Have you got u centre running in the background as this does upset it

There is nothing obstructing the antenna.
There is no u center on this pc

Not 115200.
Teensy expect uart1 at 480000.(Something like that)

I must have a problem there

Try using AOG-Config-O-Matic instead?

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I’m new to all of this and there is a lot of information across discourse and git hub. The problem I’m running into is some of it is outdated and it is confusing to know how to get stuff set up. I got my AIO micro boards several weeks ago and got everything solder up and connected. I programmed my Teensy 4.1 using Agomatic. Everything connects in AGIO but I don’t seem to get any signal from my WAS or the Bn085. Any help would be appreciated. I got the section control to work without problems. I think I’m pretty close on this but for some reason I can’t get readings from WAS and IMU

Remove the ADS1115 breakout board, there is one soldered on the PCB already.

You will need an F9P mounted on the PCB too.

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OK, Thanks for the quick response. I have a different GPS that I already had. This is connecting fine in AgIO. This should be fine right?

I removed the breakout ADS1115 and still don’t get any signal from WAS or BNO085. I have the board tilted and it shows now change in degree. I do have AGOGPS in simulator mode. I don’t know if that makes a difference. The WAS reading seems to jump to 50 or 60 and then back to 0 frequently and it shows an error reading of the same amplitude.

IMU data is sent as part of a PANDA message from the board. Without a GPS data stream going to the board, no PANDA messages.

OK, any idea on the WAS?

Which WAS are you using? I.E. Land Rover height sensor or ??

Have you sent Autosteer config and settings to the Teensy?

Any GPS receiver must connect to the teensy. NOT directly to AgIO. Teensy can not start sending data to AgIO before it has got gps data.

Looks good for me with AOGconfigOmatic.
I can continue

I’m using the land-rover sensor. Does this get grouped with the panda message?

I did send all the config to the teensy via agconfigomatic