AIO v4.5 boards

I was able to find a couple alternatives from the ALTERNATE PARTS.xlsx sheet, thanks! But I was curious if anyone could tell me if C346962 would be a good substitute for C88743? Thanks in advance!

Seems JLCPCB does not put a screw in the regulator or thermal paste on the heatsink. One will need to supply their own 3mm screw and thermal paste if they want the heatsink to be fully effective.

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Yeah they are only assembling the PCB and not the rest. Just putting a screw in it is probably good enough. But you could also get a silicone pad for the heat sink.

Just trying to get my pcb up and running and cant find com ports for any thing. not really sure what I’m doing to begin with which is probably pretty obvious . lol. Any help would be great. This is pcb v4.2.

you are in direct connexion to the tablet so you need to declare a fix IP

and mask

My 4.5 card has arrived. test ok. I don’t have the light on on the teensy.

That means that the teensy is not receiving location from the gps receiver. Do you have both the receiver and the teensy configured?

And a GPS antenna with a clear view of the sky.

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I think I have configured the f9p and teensy correctly.
I’m testing on desktop.
I can’t connect the PC to the card with the Ethernet cable.
On the ethernet connector of the card the green light is on.
I set IP as on the wiki.

You have no ethernet pins installed on the teensy yet

Ethernet on the board v4, 5

The block of 6 ethernet pins in the teensy and the board

I didn’t pay attention to that, thank you, I’m ordering pins.

People have pulled out normal header pins and used them if you have the block fitted to the board

good afternoon
Question wat is a good alternatieve fore led DY-339URUYGW/SN

Which LED is that?

See the alternative part mentioned in the first post