Aog not seeing sats

Hello, I got an issue with the satelite viewer in aog, for some reason it says i have only 12 sats which is not true, also i’m guessing the 19.8cm is the accuracy but i’m not sure because it becomes bigger as I increase the speed and goes to 0 when I stop so if you know what that is please tell me.
Also how much antenna drift should i expect from a setup as shown bellow with all contelations and bands activated which is able to achieve around 7-8cm accuracy. If I can minimize the drift it would be perfect. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with gps step in aog but I don’t know what that does.

The GGA string number of sats has a max of 12. So it will show 12, when in reality it is using more.

It’s actually the distance between GPS fixes. So when you’re parked, it will be 0. But as you drive faster, the distance will increase.


Thanks for answering my noobie questions, any ideea what gps step means?

It’s a setting to limit how close the GPS position points can get. In really slow speed uses, steering is much better if there is a set distance between the location points. So the min GPS step setting limits it to 10 or 5, whichever one you choose. So it will start dropping location points at low speeds

Thank you!

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