Assembled PCBs potential sale

Early summer after seeding and spraying would be fine. I need to have autosteer working for the Fall tillage with new solution as we have a couple of John Deere ITC receivers that are now door stops. In the fall it is nice not to have to rip the GPS out of combine and Grain Cart to go tilling in the mornings then put them back to go harvest.

I purchased some Emlid Reach RS+ GPS units and have that working with NTRIP now I just have to get autosteer piece of puzzle

For sure, where are you located? I have a couple robotshop motors here too if you need. I think the pricing for the v2 is still pretty accurate but I’ll have to put something together for the smd one, it ends up being cheaper I believe.

Manitoba between the lakes

Manitoba! I’m south, Morden.

Do you have all the parts? I’ve been trying to get the SimpleRTK2B to work with the Free Pilot. I can solder okay, but I’m thinking the parts are weeks away. I’m a bit stubborn changing to AOG, but I gotta have centimeter accuracy for my row cultivator. I’m in the Outlook area.

Yes, I should have everything here other than the PCBs. I guess if there’s enough interest I can order a pack of 20 from JLC. If you’re really in a pinch I could send you the parts and breadboard, I’m in Cupar so not that far as the crow flies.

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Lol, and the PCB is the main component! How long does that take to acquire?

Maybe a week and a bit by time it gets here, be full swing seeding though so not much time to put one together at that time.

Well if your okay with just selling the parts, and I’ll wait for the board, I think I can put it together myself… idk, might be an option. Would like to see a bunch of rain :slight_smile:

I must have missed this reply… wow… yes, I’ll get them parts from you! Did you order the PCBs?

Can you get back to me when you can. Text or call 306 856 3021. Thanks. I really need these parts to make this board.

Conrad, I’m also trying to source a prebuilt PCB. If I can’t find one on here, then I’m going to order some from JCL on a fast track delivery service and should have at least the bare PCB by next week.

Happy to add one to my order send you one up if you’re still looking.

I am. Did you connect with @cosmo?

I have 10 boards.

Let me know if you’re still looking, you’re welcome to one.

Still working on my own unit
Was not ready for spring work so had to drive the old way

Does someone ship from Europe to Europe?

What are you looking for, just the board or board plus components?

Not sure yet
But probably board with stuff installed
I can do the WAS and setup motor

Pcb with all components soldered