Hello all, bear with me here as I’m new to this. So I recently set up my base station. I got the Ardusimple rtk2b board, wifi NTRIP master, ANN-MB-00 antenna.
I updated the firmware for 1.32, I downloaded the base configuration file for 1.32. And followed all the steps on Ardusimple for making it into a base. Installed the wifi NTRIP master and connected it to wifi and set the information for NTRIP server.
I requested my mount point name through rtk2go and received the information to have my own mount point.
I set it all up, was able to survey in my base and it’s transmitting. I can only get 3D and DGNSS. Should it say RTK as a base station as well in the fix box?
Here’s some images I took of my mount point on rtk2go, with everything showing should it be giving rtk corrections? And a picture off snip for the RTCM3 data and the status.
As far as I can tell I should be able to connect to the mount point and get a connection on my rover. But my rover was unsuccessful at connecting to it. And I don’t know what the issue is.
I don’t think the images were done uploading when you sent them. I can’t open them. Could you resend them please ? When they are done uploading, they change from “Uploading: IMG…” to the actual image name.
What is the name of your base on RTK2Go?
Sorry it seems to have an issue loading some of the pictures, I got the one off rtk2go to come through. And the base is offline right now since set it up temporarily when I was by the tractor trying to connect. I’ll get the base back online in the morning.
Not your problem but why are you sending both '4 and '7 MSM messages? Odd that the first figure from SNIP shows RTCM 1005 being sent every 5 seconds but the second figure shows all messages scheduled once per second. Not a big deal for this message set but usually 1005 and 1230 are send much less frequently, only 1074 and the like once per second.
7 GPS satellites sounds low if the base antenna is placed under an open sky.
The rover is actually a Fieldbee all in one controller.
Unsure why those setting are like that, suspect maybe while changing some I changed others without knowing. Talking to ardusimple after they reviewed the recording I sent them they recommended just reloading the base file and starting again.
No not unless you also connect your Base to another base nearby!
Did you turn off your base? it is not in the status list http://rtk2go.com:2101/SNIP::STATUS
Sorry I didn’t have a way to keep it mounted outside at the time. Today I got the required parts to keep it installed outside and now it’s back up on rtk2go
Great! Did you get your fieldbee to work in fix mode then?
They do state that base and rover must be at least 2 m apart. Here are a support page. undefined - FieldBee - GPS systems for farmers
Yes I was able to successfully connect this morning. Had a combination of problems. 1 problem being the base being incorrectly set up in the beginning and secondly the tablet sim I had installed in the tablet had a wifi hotspot block in place from the carrier. Once I was able to successfully hotspot my phone to the tablet it all connected correctly today.