Some field test with the BNO08x. So BNO08x in my steering box instead of MMA & BNO055.
I also put the comparative board in the tractor, to make some log with MMA, BNO055 and BNO08x and plot the results.
BNO08x of the comparative board was calibrated in my lab.
I was following a AB ligne on a flat trail with AOG, one round trip.
Here is the results:
So clearly, the BNO08x is less noisy compare to MMA. And heading of BNO08x is clearly more stable.
After, went to a field: clearly an improvement compare to MMA, no more oscillation like here (Perfect straight line without MMA, slight oscillation with MMA).
Flat part of the field, guidance error was 1 to 2cm, as the tilt of the field is increasing, the guidance error is increasing: 9cm for 10° of tilt. Test condition was difficult: rain and slippery field.
But pass to pass on the same track (so one time tilt left, and after tilt right), the tractor was always driving on the same track (wheel exactly at the same place). Very repeatable behavior.
So, some people does observe the same behavior (error increasing with tilt) when driving on tilt ? It’s as if when the tilt is too important, AOG doesn’t compensates enough.
Also, during my test, I observe that sometime, there is some “jump” with BNO08x heading. Like in just one time (whereas I was autosteering on a straight line), BNO08x heading increasing of something like 10°. Generating an slight oscillation in AOG.
I catch this in video, I will try to share it.
It’s look like potential behaviour of BNO08x with magnetometer described in BNO08x datasheet.
During my test, I was using rotation vector with defaut background calibration enable (accelerometer and magnetometer). BNO08x was calibrated for accelerometer and gyroscope, but I never succed to calibrate magnetometer in the tractor.
So I will try this to solve this problem:
- Disable all background calibration with Rotation Vector
- Use Game Rotation Vector instead of Rotation Vector
Have someone noted same behavior with BNO08x ? And for those using CMPS ?
Was also very present when I was doing some tests of U-Turn.
Don’t know exactly. But somewhere in the datasheet it’s writen that Game Rotation Vector induce a long term drift. By long term drift, I wasn’t expected 0,5°/min.
What did it give with your tests ?
And also, how did you calibrate magnetometer when BNO08x wa installed in the tractor.