My autosteer system is coming along nicely. I recently got my antenna and PCB communicating with the tablet over UDP and it works very well. However, I have an issue that I can’t seem to figure out. Whenever I power up the PCB without the Arduino USB connected to the tablet, the BNO085 output gets stuck at 0 until I plug it in. The green light on the BNO085 is lit, so it definitely has power. Once it begins working again, I can unplug the USB and it keeps working without issue. The ino file I am using is Autosteer_UDP_v5_6. Apparently, it must need to communicate something over the USB to start properly, but I’m not sure why that would be, since everything should go through UDP. Has anyone experienced this? Any tips for troubleshooting? Thank you.
Which PCB are you using(all in one, or PCBv2, or Kaupoi?
And which version of AOG?
PCB v2 and AOG v5.7.2.
You could try uploading the newest Arduino auto steer code Autosteer_UDP_v5
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, the updated file seems to behave exactly the same way. I decided to try plugging the arduino USB into my laptop while leaving the Ethernet cable connected to the AOG tablet, and funnily enough, the BNO began functioning even though it was plugged into a different computer. Very strange. On AgOpenGPS GitHub, Brian mentions that “You MUST install the updated 571 INO firmware” but I haven’t been able to locate a file with that name. Unless he’s referring to AgOpenGPS_UDP_v5.ino, that could be my problem. Any idea where to find that file?
No I really have no idea what’s going on. Someone else who knows more will have to help.
Maybe you need the delay?
That makes a lot of sense. Thank you.