Boundary Curve issue

Hi! I am trying to get my lines to work how I want them. Every time I create a “Boundary Curve” from my “boundary” I get one point in the curve outside of the field. Why dose this happen? How do I get rid of the outlier to get a smooth curve?
Also why are four “Inner Boundary Curve X” also created when I press the create button? All the four extra curves looks to be identical with the “Boundary Curve”. Individual curves around the inner boundaries would be nice but that is not what I get…

When I open the boundary in google eath I can se that the curve is not closed and that the outlier point corresponds to the start and stop of the curve… Do I need to close it? How to handel this?

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i get this issue sometimes too, i’ve put it down to mapping a boundary and finishing too close to the start point :man_shrugging:

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