Bug in parsing 9999 from autosteer

position designer:

line 175

       if ((ahrs.isRollFromBrick | ahrs.isRollFromAutoSteer | ahrs.isRollFromGPS | ahrs.isRollFromExtUDP)&& ahrs.rollX16 != 9999)

line 558

         if ((ahrs.isHeadingFromBrick | ahrs.isHeadingFromAutoSteer | ahrs.isHeadingFromPAOGI | ahrs.isHeadingFromExtUDP)&& ahrs.correctionHeadingX16 != 9999)

removes the problem when 9999 is send from autosteer port and roll and heading source is selected from it in agopen.

Not sure why that one keeps getting changed. But thank you for catching it.

solved in code