I am looking to build a base station and just checking what parts I need, would I be right in thinking that I need two Ardusimple RTK2B boards and two multi band antennas ANN-MB-00 and then share the signal over Ntrip.
I am not really ready to building the base station yet but just trying to get the parts ready as everything seems to be going up in price and struggling for availability
Can anyone put a link to any simple base station builds
Simplest will probably be wifi NTRIP master, cheapest ESP32 as wifi NTRIP master and you have many other ways to make it dependent on hardware you willing to buy/have.
The problem you have is that a lot of your land is hilly with a lot of blind spots so one solution may not give you 100% coverage.
You won’t get line of sight, so a single base station probably won’t cut it. Then again, you may have some cellular black spots too, so NTRIP may not be 100% reliable either.
What I am wondering about is whether some strategically placed repeaters might be your best option, repeaters for either radio, wifi or cellular.
I have a pile of long distance networking kit in my loft and will be getting up there over the next couple of days, will see what I can dig out and see if we can come up with a working solution for you.
Anyone else dealing with patchy signals due to black spots? If so, what approach have you taken?
I’ve gone with the Wifi NTRIP Master and it’s dead simple to set up, but £70ish as opposed to £15 for an ESP32. The WNM is a tidy little solution though.
I think we would manage with Ntrip as we only have one small parcel of land with poor phone signal
Just to clarify:
It is all Ntrip, no matter if send by radio, or by lora/wifi (short range), or over the internet and then received by eg. a mobile phone.( and then hot spot to tablet)
Edit: Read the following posts, as I am not quite right in my understanding either.
It’s usually not NTRIP via radio, usually NTRIP is only used when there’s an IP based connection like an internet connection. Direct radio connections usually connection via serial and transmit RTCM.
NTRIP wraps the RTCM packets for TCP/IP based communication.
NTRIP stands for (Network Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol)
For a base you only need 1 receiver and 1 antenna and a ntrip master or the esp version of ntrip master. Are you using something like a F9P with an ntrip for the rover? I have a few Trimble Rovers do they need a little different base but F9P type Rovers are good with F9P base station and ntrip master. You will also need something like rtk2go or similar to broadcast the ntrip via the internet. Look on ardusimple website they have some info, also esprtk has some info. Good luck