Building Section and Machine Control - For Beginners

Manages to get section control working perfectly on a nano but I tried to get it to work on a nano every but it couldn’t compile the code. Any suggestions??

I use the nano33iot for upgrading my existing as PCB. But it uses 3.3v gpio voltage.i upgraded to have Wi-Fi, as the sc box belongs to the sprayer. So plug in power jack and no USB ect needed.
The code is on Github MTZ8302

I want to use section control and autosteer via UDP. Is this Code included on the machine Module or on the autosteer Board? I havnt seen something in the machine arduino code like
Relay 1 = A2
Relay 2 = A3
And so on.
So my question is how to realise?
Regards Peter

Could this be used to controll an older flexicoil tank with variable rate? I have cameras in the tank so all I would needbis to set the seed rate at each tank and recieve info from speed sensors on each shaft as well as to provide power to the 12v motors on each tank. Also recieve info from fan speed sensor
How difficult would this be?

Very difficult, It would take a team of engineers a year to get it all working. I have same tank, thought about it, shuddered, moved on.

How about replacing the seed rate setting with an linear actuator with position control. (Like this guy ) The seed rate should be proportional to the length change of the actuator, calibrate min and max and you’d have a calibration chart. The fleiciol monitor can generate a seed rate, if I’m not mistaken. All you need is to translate seed rate to actuator length, and crosscheck with flexcoil monitor. For a 2320 style cart. If you have an Agtron blockage monitor you can get a seed rate that way, most likely feed it back into AOG from The blockage monitor. Not sure if the has a rate output.

Not sure if these sensors would give a good reading of the product flow. C$ 55.47 47%OFF | TS2 /TM1 Medium Size Transducer Sensor for Ultrasonic module Flow Meter Flowmeter 15-100mm ,50-700mm

I would think a dry metering system could be controlled similar to a sprayer rate control. In your example the linear actuator is like the flow control valve. The meter speed sensor the flow meter. You’d have to use a different calibration number for different densities…

Instead of an Aruino Nano, is there instructions for building section control with a Elegoo UNO R3?

They are built pretty much the same way, the pins are all named the same like D2 or A0 etc. the code is the same as well.

Just select the Uno in the Arduino ide and upload

Where do I find the AgOpenGPS_Dev-master folder ?

what do you mean ?

download support files on github open the \SupportFiles(1)\ArduinoModules\InoFiles …
and load the ino that you want by selected the right board?

How do I know which .ino ?
I’m using a Nano for Section Control only

for section control you need the machin_usb_v5_0.ino.

What is the difference between Machine_USB_v5_0 and Machine_USB_v5_5 ?
Also, how do I get the file from GitHub to Arduino ?

5.5?? you mean machine_usb_46.ino

that is the version of de aog you use. if you use the version 5 then you need the v5 machine .ino
if you use aog versie 4.xx then use the machine_usb_46.ino

There is 5_5 also, added 5 days ago.
Where do I find what version of AOG I’m on ? Looking in Properties it says file version

How do I get the file from GitHub to the Arduino Sketch Library ? I don’t have download button, only “go to file” then a list more flies

I am using an 8 relay board, so is that pins D2 to D9 on the Nano ?

Machine_USB_v5_5 this new version for new function implmented by @BrianTee_Admin for define on the software 24 solution … from 5.4.5 and more …

dont take care for now and use the Machine_USB_v5_0.ino