Can I improve accuracy? Accuracy at higher speeds?

Here is an image of my latest test pass.

This pass was made at 1mph on rough ground, I have gotten my tune at that speed to a point where the largest deviations are 5 to 6 once I’m established on the AB line. Most of the time it’s around 2 to 3 accuracy. I have steer chart on the right and XTE chart in the middle, gain settings on the left.

My Specs: AIO pcb v4.5 connected via UDP. System is mounted on a conventional steer John deer 5425. Im using a 24v motor to turn the wheel, there is very little play in the steering. As you can see in the top left I have RTK fix but the corrections are coming from a station roughly 20km away, is this an issue?

If you are familiar with this system I would appreciate it if you could look over this image and see what you think. Does it look like I need to adjust the steer settings further? Is better accuracy possible?

I’m struggling to get even this level of accuracy at higher speeds. I increased speed to 3mph and accuracy was deviating out to 8-10 any tips on improving accuracy at higher speeds?


We don’t know what system you have. Aio PCB which version. Usb or udp, tractor, hydraulic steering or motor steering, all you other settings.
So confirm you have been trugh this video more than once.
As well as this

Maybe your roll is opposite or something else.

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Another thing to take into account is how accurately your tractor can physically drive. A 2 wheel drive tractor with no weights on the front is going to slide it’s front wheels a lot more than one with front wheel assist and plenty of weight. You should be able to get better than that.

min to move seems too high, id halve it

thanks I will update the post to include this info

Better is absolutely possible. see this old video to learn about setting min to move. See from around 1 min 30.

Yes thank you I have been through that video twice and got my settings set accordingly. Do the charts indicate that I might have made a mistake? Or could there be another issue causing these deviations.

The other issue I’m having is that all these setup videos besides the ones from a few months ago on the AOG YT channel are quite out dated and many settings are different specifically the look ahead settings.

You can’t go off the video settings as each setup is unique but the point of the videos are explaining what each setting does.
Ive used the phidgets motor on a combine with 25ft header and after doing the steer wizzard the settings were bang on for me, will steer within 2cm on any terrain.
Put up some more pictures of your steer settings of all the ones in the steer menu.

I don’t know what type of was that tractor is equipped with, but could you please measure the signal voltage at full right and full left. Normally between 0.5 and 4.5 V with 2.5 V at straight ahead. And when turning there should be no uneven jumps in that signal.

Yes sorry i worded that wrong I set my settings according to the process outlined in that video I didn’t copy his settings. I’ll will get more pics of my settings.