Can't get a green Gps light in agio or on board

I’m not sure it is actually working that way. Is the orange light on the teensy flashing and do you have the gps light on the board? You might have the computer all connected to the parts but the parts not connected to each other.

Being inside you will probably never get a fix. I never have anyway.

I am also having a problem with the aio pcb v4.1 on udp running in simultor. When I tilt the pcb I don’t get any response from the imu (the compass does not tilt), everything else is working. It did this using version 6.1.0 so I uploaded 6.2.0 and on initial startup the screen and tractor were dancing and I could tilt the pcb and the compass would tilt but I could not control anything, so I did a restart and the screen was stable but no response from the imu.
I am in the process of wiring up my tractor. For now I’ll be running electric motor while I wait on baraki valves, will I need any more wires in the ampseal connector to attach the baraki valves and will I need a pressure sensor?
Thanks to anyone who responds and thanks to Brian and his team for all their work put into this program!2024-04-18T06:00:00Z

Does agio say it’s connected to the imu?

What do you mean by running in simulator?

I have never wired a hydraulic valve but I think you need lock to turn the valve on and pressure to know when to turn it off

I,m only bench testing in the agopengps simulator before mounting in the tractor.
Yes agio shows it’s connected.

Does it work when you aren’t in the simulator?

I Haven/t tried it in the tractor yet. Wanted to make sure everything was working before I install it in the tractor. I’m in the process of wiring the tractor but waiting on some parts.

I don’t think the imu works when you are in simulator mode.

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Thanks cowhound, appreciate the help.

Maybe someday…

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In this setup you are running plain standard mode, no panda. For me it looks like, you don’t have a serial connection between Teensy and micro F9P (RX1/TX1) or your micro is’nt configured properly. You can try out to swap the micro in the second slot, should be not a problem if you’re using it as single setup. So RX2/TX2 would be used for serial communication.

Hi all!
so after a bunch of messing around I was able to get 3 green lights in agio. havent gone outside to get a rtk fix but have float and everything apperes to be working. was able to get it working by trying a diffrent board. and some swapnostics of teensy and fp9. now that i have a working board verified both fp9s working and both teensys working. Problem i was having was the f9p wasent communicating in the board i was using with teensy. However if i move it to the other slot ( Dual left) it does work as per wlad suggestion.
just wanted to say thanks to all the suggestions and input. this community is fantastic. now going to attempt to get into a tractor tommorow.
Thanks again eveyone!


I was putting upgraded firmware on another board and I ran into this same issue with the gps light not coming on. I tried the same thing and could get teensy light flashing orange and the gps light to come on when I had a usb on the F9P and power to the board, I could unplug usb from f9p and leave power to board and would work as it should, when I turned power off and back on no orange flash on teensy and not gps light again. I believe this may be a firmware issue. I tried older firmware but now I am stuck with the board not working no matter what firmware I try.

UPDATE FIX, make sure you change baud rate to 460800 in ucenter for f9p