Can't turn on the steering module, tractor icon remains yellow

Hi, I having problem to turn on steering motor, it is moving when I changed program for testing it. Im using external switch but it is changing the tractor icon from red to yellow. I am using raw arduino module with BNO08x, ADS1115 and BTS7960. Thanks

Red to yellow is good then its ready to steer.
Besure to press the steering wheel next to it also.

But it doesnt move on yellow

Make some pictures.

You are in the wizzard. I see only red and yellow there. Although purple if I disconnect the steer board.
Try in the autosteer configuration. Expand by dragging the right and bottom edges.
Alao the 4 colours purple red yellow and green, you read about in the manual, refer to the icons at bottom right corner of the screen.

Autosteer configuration open( and almost expanded), field open, ab line selected, no speed because taking picture. Autosteer is on.

Hi! I assume the board being used is the AIOv4.1 micro? I am working on bench testing my physical setup using a cytron, 24v phidget motor and adafruit bno. I would like to correctly setup all the physical wirings/switches. I cannot seem to find information on wiring for the aio board (if wrong will happily follow any post that I missed) but plenty on the arduino board. The figure below is what I can figure out. How do I make a physical switch for steering (4?). Any other wiring related information that involve pinouts (?) of the ampseal, most appreciated.

Pin 2 is WAS_H, used for most installations

Theres lot of info on the gitbub for the wiring and even got a list of switches and connectors that you might need and where to source them