CJMCU-055 for heading

Hi, i have a CJMCU-055 i plugged it in replacement of the bno055 but the output or something must be different because it does not work, does anyone here have some experience with this board? it would be nice to use it for heading since i have it already, thanks!

here you can read something about this chinese bno05 - have fun


Interesting. I was considering constantly powering the BNO to retain calibration. I assume form that article, it would be futile.

made it work, that article was very helpfull, if anyone needs more help with this imu ill be glad to help

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the best way is to write it down here!!

Hi, the board works like a charm, theres a Jumper on the board that needs to be soldered in order to output vía i2c and thats it