CMPS14 Compass

That’s fine and I’ve used the BNO085 in that mode successfully.

BUT I used the BNO055 successfully for many many days too.

Fast rotation shouldn’t happen anyway. I never had it apart from in fault conditions even with the BNO055.

Yes, just a small alteration to the arduino code. I’m not sure quite what is happening with the next version regarding IMU’s. I think it is going to be separate from the main PCB but sure it will be just an alteration of the setup.

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From my observations, it is not the PCB V2 box that causes CMPS problems, but the location of the box in a specific place on the tractor.

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Exactly. It is EMF producing things that upset magnetometers. Hence why I didn’t put my motor controller in the pcb box near my BNO055. The issue is, if you want a neat installation, finding somewhere free of EMF’s, accessible and that is also well hidden can be tricky.

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My experience with the CMPS14 is, plug it in and use it. Worked perfectly.

And the code is super simple.

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Hi Brian Tee. Can you help me? I don’t understand English it’s very hard to understand through a google translator. How do i connect kmps14 and what ino code to use. Thank you very much

Hi Brian Tee. Can you help me? I don’t understand English it’s very hard to understand through a google translator. How do i connect kmps14 and what ino code to use. Thank you very much!


When you scroll back a bit in this thread you will find the INO (attached to one of Brians messages). Connecting the CMPS14 is same as MMA.cmps14 mma8452


Thanks a lot for the advice, I find that code, but I don’t understand where and how to add it code

The code in Brians post is for testing CMPS14 alone with a Nano or another compatible arduino board.

To make it work with AOG download and unZIP the ino found in post 63 or 64 from Vili just above.
It is the complete usb ino with all the other necessary files also in the ZIP.
Edit: You use the files from this ZIP instead of files from the normal support folder found on github
Edit: If you read here after 24 april 21, then go to post 259 :slight_smile:


Thanks, I’ll try. translating into english translates it hard. Thank you

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Interesting. Can you share some results about your tests ?
Different place on tractor tested ? Effects on CMPS ? Potential source of disturbance for the differents places ?



Has anybody tried logging two of the same side by side, two bno085’s?

I’ve seen the comparisons between 080, 085, and CMPS14. If this is a mission critical component, has anyone tried running two at the same time?

If the two readings are within a degree, the output is valid take the average as the reading. If the two readings are too different take the reading closest to the last valid reading until the two readings converge again.

I know it sounds silly to double up on hardware, but I get this idea from commercial power generation. GE turbines use three transmitters that the DCS uses to verify if the readings are valid. As long as two are reading the same number, the Turbine can run. If none can agree, or only one is reporting the turbine shuts down.

If the heading is very important this could be worth checking out.


I did wonder about doing this with my bno055 to combat the drift but up to now I haven’t seen any evidence to need to bother with the BNO085.

It is difficult to identify any specific factor that has a negative effect on CMPS14.
Mounted in a PCBv2 box in the NH T6 to the right of the operator’s seat on the floor, there was a swipe every few hundred meters, disturbances on the headlands.
Installed in the PCBV2 of my MF5455 on the right side of the chair (just like in the NH), it worked very badly, jumping by several degrees every several meters.
Mounted on PCBV2 in my CASE puma 225 to the right of the seat on the floor worked fine.
In JD6125 outside the box connected with RJ45 cable, I tried different locations:
in the cabin above the left wheel by the glass - bad, continuous jumps.
In the cabin, on the board, near the external hydraulics control lever was fine.

Headland turns is actually where I have noticed a several degree jump once or twice, in rotationVector. What it was attributable to I’m not sure. My motor controller isn’t near the PCB but it is ultimately on the same main power line. (22,0 KB)

Hi, has anyone tested and worked with this ino code on AgO 4.3.10?


Are you intending to keep the cmps in the pcb, or do you think you’ll need to mount elsewhere in your t6?

Side note, I’d be interested to see any photos of your t6 steering setup.

In T6, there will be no PCBV2 in the box. It does not work well.
I will send the photos in my free time

I presume you mean no cmps in the box?

I have a t6 and just thinking about imu placement.