Code documentation

i really want to dive in the AgOpenGPS code so i would like to know if there is any documentation that could help me get started with it.

You have experience with C# and OpenGL? You know something about GPS, RTK?

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i am a linux user, not a developer, but i have considerable free time and i would like to contribute to learn and contribute to the project.

so far i’ve figured that the code is written in c# using the windows forms framework, i’m documenting what i’ve been learning so i can share it with others looking to dive into the code.

i only have the high level understanding of GPS/RTK from playing around with AgOpenGPS, but i want to learn the low-level technical details.

Not really. My own is a ton of "grep"ing, and a lot of time looking around. Thankfully Brian has done really well with in-code comments, on what does what!

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thanks for the reply, first time reading c# code so i was overwhelmed with the structure of the code but i am slowly figuring out, will write a high-level view of it for newcomers. it would be cool if we manage to at least have a high level explanation of each algorithm too so the people can see what could be improved

I’d love to have access to any documentation you come up with! Actually I’ve done very little with AOG. I dove into agio for this purpose, which you, a Linux user might be interested in. I would particularly love to see an explanation of CYouturn.cs!

Why are you trying to understand someone else’s code? That doesn’t work for me.
Ultimately, I always start from the ground up.

Your a expert coder. Most of us are hobby coders trying to understand what algoritme does what. Why this i written like that and what happens if we change value to this.

I been trying to code since i was 30 as hobby with breaks from 1 to 3 years. If you dont do it almost every day a little documentation is pretty handy. I am 55 now and still program as some experts say it you program with a hamer. It works but those 20 line of code could also be like 1 or 2 lines.

So still learning every time i start visual studio.


Doxygen is a documentation generator. But i dont think its usefull for ‘Hobby coders’

At least it pulls the variables and comments together in an organized fashion.

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