Combining Single Antenna GPS + IMU

Hello !

Where can we find the code to put in the teensy 4.1?
Is the teensy detected as a gps receiver by AOG?

Thank you !


Until now I’ve only ran Dualheading, and when thinking about the terraincompensation doesn’t the height of the IMU matter?
Because the Starfire receivers have their TCM Model with the Antenna on the roof and I’ve noticed a lot of people are mounting their IMU on the bottom of the Cabin?
What position is the best for Panda?
I’m thinking about 3D printing a negative mold for a glass-fiber shell, to build my own OEM Style receiver which has the complete Panda system on the roof.

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Because we use cheap IMU it works much better low in height and back close to the rear axle. On the floor beside the seat seams to be a good place to mount them.

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this way?



Height of the antenna matters only. The imu roll will read the same regardless of location unless you have cabin suspension.

The heading from the imu is turning about a point so closest to the pivot point, rear axle is probably best, anywhere in a fixed cab is fine.

Has anyone noticed that the bno roll reads backwards lately? Set up the steer boxes for 5.0 and purposefully placed the bno so it would not need to have inverted checked. Now it needs inversion. Not a big deal but it caused a bit of havoc until it was noticed.

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Yes exactly, could you describe it a bit more?
@PotatoFarmer We only have tractors with cab suspension, then the Imu probably isn’t the best place on the roof?

Roll value seams good and stable but I set atenna height 0 for testing, reverse detection seams nominal but heading abysmal performance when fusion is IMU 50% or more only with imu 5:95 gps it worked for faster speed.

If antenna is on cab roof then there is no difference if imu is on roof or bottom of seat. There is question how AOG does IMU GPS fusion if sideways movement is counted in heading vector then there is reason to mount IMU lowest possible to avoid most of sideways cab/tractor movement from roll.

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I’m just going to give it a shot, and compare my all in one receiver on the cab vs on the hood.

On the rear axle with cab suspension, prevents having additional fake roll.

@PotatoFarmer Ok, thanks I’m giving it a shot.

Whiterose, is there also a Imu inside or just the Antenna with GNSS reciver?

There is no imu, only antenna and metal antenna plate, but it can fit in the space under the metal plate.

I tried AOG version 5.6.10 today
Steering was undulating, from left to right, etc.
I noticed that the IMU shows the same ROLL value all the time.
It was stuck, not responding. After disconnecting and reconnecting the autosteer port, BNO085 (China) worked properly for a few seconds after which it faded again. I think this same IMU worked with some earlier version of AOG. Always did a nice spin at the beginning and then started normal operation.
I’m using Ardusimble F9p, BNO085, AutoSteer_USB_5.0.ino

Hello, What are the advantages of using the panda?

It is the use of the IMU data without delay and merging it with the GPS data, before each one worked independently, and the situation was known (especially in potholes) that the roll data had a delay, panda synchronizes the data, resulting in a very big improvement for the single+IMU system.

Visually it behaves like this, although this video is from JD. Left without PANDA right with PANDA.

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Thank you for your reply !
It is indeed quite different!
I will try that soon!

Hello !

I installed PANDA system (IMU and GPS).
I use a official autosteer system.

Yesterday I tried the panda system. But the tractor advances like a crab on the screen. The IMU is placed in place relative to the ground and the 3.3v pin to the right.

Thank you,

Can you send me a Teensy 4.1 program? thanks 。

Hello, I have just spent several hours reading this post.
I am also facing the problem of (potholes).
I’m also developing in C# and noticed that System.IO.Ports.SerialPort is a disaster.
Has anyone else looked into this problem or am I the only one who noticed?
The slowness of the serial port also affects the steering wheel!

Moving forward the backbone of AOG will be UDP only.