Hi all, I´m trying get my AgOpenGPS Setup working with PCBv2 Bord, Arduino Nano and a BNO080.
At the moment I have some trouble to get the communication up between the Arduino Nano and the BNO.
The first thing which I´m woundering about is that the I2C address of my BNO ist 0x1d and not 0x4A like in the souce code of Autosteer_USB_v5_0.ino.
After changing the adress the program gets stucked at line 233 bno08x.begin(bno08xAddress)
Has anybody an idea what could be the problem?
Thanks for your quick replay. If i use the “standard” code i just get:
Error = 4
BNO08X not Connected or Found
That´s why i started to search my BNO with a i2c scanner and found it on adress 0x1D. As far as i understand the ino-code, on line 87 in Autosteer_USB_v5_0.ino the address array is set to 0x4A and 0x4B:
// BNO08x address variables to check where it is
const uint8_t bno08xAddresses = {0x4A,0x4B};
If i add my address 0x1D to this array the
in line 222 seems to work but it gets stuck on line 233:
// Initialize BNO080 lib
if (bno08x.begin(bno08xAddress))
I don’t know enough ino programming to help you here.
Many i2c devices have two address (by soldering a spot) did you check your bno datasheet?
Please post a picture of the bno0xx you have
Unfortunatly I can´t test a delay at the moment but I´ve ordered an Adafruit BNO085 which should arrive on Thursday. I´ve give you feedback if the problem is solved.